Submit Book Proposal

ACM Books includes works from across the entire spectrum of computer science. The series focuses on four kinds of books: graduate level textbooks; deep research monographs that provide an overview of established and emerging fields; practitioner level professional books; and books devoted to the history and social impact of computing. Please submit your proposal using the form below or, if you prefer, use the headings from the form and submit the proposal in an email to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

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Title Information

Primary Author Information
(provide for any coauthors as well)

Please upload file in the PDF format

Product Information

Textbook/level; monograph; practitioner’s guide, etc.

Include a brief description of the publication’s objective and explain exactly what it will be about. How will your selection, organization, or treatment of the subject encourage readers to buy the publication?

Include a table of contents indicating chapters and subdivisions within chapters, as well as special materials to be included in the appendixes.

If available, please include a sample chapter or more. If you have published other books, attach a list of those materials.

Market Information

Explain why there is a need for the proposed publication. Have there been changes in this field to cause a need for it, or is there a gap in the existing literature that needs to be filled?

Indicate the audience(s) for this material (e.g., academic/research, graduate students, professionals). Be as specific as possible. If the book is aimed at graduate students, indicate whether it is a primary or supplemental text.

List groups with an occasional need for this material.

List in order of importance the SIGs and other organizations and professional or trade publications whose members or readers would be likely subscribers.

List publications that compete with or are similar to the one you propose, describing their weaknesses and strengths and how your publication will be superior. Provide as much data on competitive products as possible (publisher, date written, price, page length, etc.).

Manuscript Information

Please provide a description of the platform and the interface.

Please provide your best estimate for completing and delivering the reviewable draft manuscript.

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